Hood River, Oregon

Hood River County

Hood River boasts a spectacular view of both Mount Hood and the Columbia River and has become a vacation spot for ever-increasing numbers of windsurfers, or sailboarders. Nearby recreational activities include fishing, skiing, and hiking.

The City of Hood River was incorporated on July, 1854, and is the county seat for Hood River County. Hood River is located at the junction of Highway 35 and Interstate 84. The Hood River toll bridge spans the Columbia River and connects the city with the communities of White Salmon and Bingen located in the state of Washington. Hood River is located approximately 60 miles east of Portland Oregon on I-84. It is 7 miles west of Mosier, and 21 miles west of The Dalles.

Major local industries include: orchards and fruit packing, telecommunications, timber, software design, and recreation (particularly windsurfing, hiking, and skiing). Hood River also boasts several microbreweries and vineyards. Hood River County is now responsible for the leading production of Anjou Pears in the world. Fruits and timber products are still the major sources of revenue, although industrial opportunities are growing, and the future years will bring even more new development.

City Government

Hood River City Hall
301 Oak St.
PO Box 27
Hood River, OR 97031
Office: 541-386-1488
Fax: 541-387-5289
Office Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Mayor: Paul G. Cummings
Website: http://www.ci.Hood-River.or.us

Business and Services
Emergency: Police - Fire - Medical: 911.
Non-emergency: 541-386-3939;
Water: 541-386-2383;
Sewer: 541-386-2432;
Electricity: PP&L 541-386-9282;
Garbage: HR Garbage 541-386-2272;
Streets/Road Dept.: 541-386-1488;
Hood River County Library: 541-386-2535
Newspaper: Hood River News: 541-386-1234

Hood River Business Listing

Hood River Chamber of Commerce


The 2002 census listed the City of Hood River's population at 5,831, with the 2002 population estimated to rapidly grow to 6,210. (source: PSU Population Research Center)

Hood River Climate and Weather
Average Temperature: January- 33.0, July- 67.0
To view the current weather conditions in Hood River, click here.

Average Jan. July Oct.
Maximum Temp 39.8° 80.5° 63.5°
Minimum Temp 27.3° 52.9° 38.7°
Precipitation 5.86" 0.18" 2.47"

Geographical and Climatoligical Information

Geological Information

Location: Longitude 45º,40.3N, Latitude 121º, 32.1W
County Size:536 square miles = 1,388m2 = 118,400 acres

Hood River is located within the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area. Hood River City is located 500 feet (152.4m) above sea level, and is in the foothills on the slopes of the Cascade Mountains' Mt. Hood, Oregon's largest mountain, which rises to 11,235 feet (3,424.4m) above sea level.

Hood River is located within an area of an important rock formation known as Columbia Lava. This formation is a vast sheet covering nearly 250,000 square miles and varying in thickness from 300 to 4,000 feet. This mass was not formed in one single eruption but rather by a series of several eruptions between Mt. Hood and Mt. Adams, with a short time lapse intervening. The line of separation between the flows is commonly marked by sand, clay or gravel. A large part of these lavas cooled slowly and whenever vertical sections of the rock are visible a columnar structure is usually present. The columnar cliffs of the Columbia River Gorge and along the course of the Hood River often reach 500 feet or more in height. The broad features of the valley are structural. Since the initial formation, the valley has been modified in detail by erosion, both by running water and glaciers. The effects of the glaciers, however, are mainly deposition, while erosion has done very little beyond cutting the narrow gorge in which the river flows.

History of Hood River

This stream was discovered by Lewis and Clark on Tuesday, Oct. 29, 1805, and called Labeasche River, an improvised method of spelling the name of Francis Labiche, one of the French-Canadian watermen. La biche is French for female deer or doe, but in French-Canadian, it frequently was used to mean elk. There is nothing in the journals to indicate that game was seen at this point, and the river was named for the man. In pioneer days some travelers, being in a starving condition, ate dog meat near Hood River, and the unpopular name Dog River was the result, but not because of any suggestiveness of the French name. Later on, Mrs. Nathaniel (Mary) Coe, a well-known pioneer resident of the valley, objected to the name Dog River and succeeded in changing local usage to Hood River on account of Mount Hood, its source. For narrative of settlement, in i852, see the Oregonian, June 11, 1889, p. 3; May 9, 1881, p. 3; description, May 14, 1903; Oct. 4, 1914, p. 4. Hood River Valley is famed for apples and pears which producers there ship in large quantities. The name Dog River is now attached to a small stream that heads in Brooks Meadows about eight miles southeast of Parkdale and flows into East Fork Hood River. In Oct. 1852, an advertisement in the Oregonian says that a road had been cleared from "Dog River to the ferry" which was one of the first on the Columbia. The name Hood River appears on a map as early as 1856. -- Source: Oregon Geographic Names, Sixth Edition, 1992, Lewis L. McArthur, Oregon Historical Society Press, ISBN O-87595-237-2.

Originally a part of Wasco County, Hood River County gained its political separation on June 23,1908 and its boundaries have remained unchanged to the present time. On October 29, 1792, WR Broughton and his men of the Vancouver Expedition discovered and named Mt. Hood, in honor of Lord Hood of British Admiralty. In 1805 the Lewis and Clark Expedition named the glacial stream now known as the Hood River.

Nathaniel and Mary Coe were the original owners of a 319 acre government land grant bordered on the east by (what is now) Front Street, on the north by the Columbia River, on the west by Thirteenth Street, and on the south by May Street.In 1854 the Nathaniel Coe family filed a land claim on acreage now part of the City of Hood River. They were soon followed by the William Jenkins family and the Denson family. Coe was one of the first to plant fruit trees in the Hood River Valley. Apple orchards flourished in this rich valley from 1890 to 1920, and Hood River became famous for its apples. But in 1919 many apple trees were struck by a killing freeze. Farmers replaced the apple trees with pear trees, and now Hood River county is one of the leading producers of Anjou pears in the world.



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