There are 13 moons in a Shoshoni year. Each moon equals about 28 days called a lunar month.
Corresponding Gregorian Calendar Month
Shoshoni Lunar Month
Gregorian Calendar Dates Covered
January | Moon of Small Tracks | Jan. 1- Jan. 28 |
February | Shoulder Moon | Jan. 29 - Feb. 25 |
March | Awakening Moon | Feb. 26 - March 25 |
April | Grass Moon | March 26 - April 22 |
May | Moon When Ponies Shed | April 23 - May 20 |
June | High Water Moon | May 21-June 17 |
July | Trout Moon | June 18-July 15 |
August | Blood Moon | July 16-Aug. 12 |
September | Moon When Elk Bugle | Aug. 13 - Sept. 9 |
October | Hunting Moon | Sept. 10-Oct. 7 |
Extra lunar month | Moon of Falling Leaves | Oct. 8 - Nov. 4 |
November | Mad Moon | Nov. 5-Dec. 2. |
December | Night Moon | Dec. 3-Dec. 31 |
Information taken from:
Thunder over the Ochoco: Distant Thunder (Vol. II) by Gale Ontko
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